A 10-year anniversary. Brand new 'digiHub'. Plus: plans for an additional wing. Not one - but three reasons for BioVille to get their strategy, brand identity and marketing right. To the rescue: team L&T.
Honestly? There was dust on BioVille's look. With the design of a tictac-fresh brand identity, clear strategy and smart marketing approach, we're getting the incubator ready for the next 10 years.
We never design a logo to 'just be pretty'. We look for ways to reinforce the gut feeling customers have about a brand. And the we make it pretty.
The logo is based on cell division. The design starts with a simple cell, which eventually grows into the 'B' of BioVille. It doesn't have to be rocket science.
The clash of colors (Red! Blue! Yet another blue!), with purple as a creative accent, makes for a striking, recognizable whole - especially in a Health & Care environment.
The branding can be very playful, but is still sufficiently mature to stand its ground in a professional environment.
We also did: building dressing, social media, swot analysis, animations, determining buyer personas and social media.